Sunday, June 24, 2012

Book Lovin - Rediscovering the Library

Ok back to our regularly scheduled blogging. Sorry for the tangent. It happens. Anywho...

(Courtesy of Microsoft)

I read an article on Huffington Post about earlier this week titled "Wasting Money: 29 Ways To Stop Throwing Away Cash".  The article didn't highlight anything new for me.  It reinforced some things.  Number 8 on the list was "Buying Books".  For a book lover like me I was like well then hmph! *arms crossed* But I do get the author's point.  The author indicated that she is an avid reader and hadn't paid full price for a book in years.  Well alrighty then.  She highlighted the library, book swapping services and going to garage sales to check out books.  I will say in the last few weeks I have rediscovered the library.

This week I've checked out 4 books. Two were items I placed on hold which I love doing.  I get an email saying the books are ready for pickup.  Now they have hold items where you can get them yourself.  They also now have self checkout.  So it's an easy breezy process.  It wasn't bad before when they were behind the checkout area and the librarian had to get them for you and check you out.  I'm sure the new process had to do with budget cuts and how to streamline certain processes.  The other two books I stumbled upon when I was browsing the new books section.

My county also has e-book borrowing which I've tested our recently.  So it got me to thinking that maybe I should check out my library more often.  For newer books this will work. I might not be so lucky with older books but we shall see.  I did notice for some of the popular titles you'll have to wait for them.  For one book I was going to place a hold for there were already 300+ people ahead of me!  I was like yowza.  Also I noticed on some of the newer titles they are nonrenewable and are limited for check out.  Typically you can borrow a book for 3 weeks and can renew it up to 3 times (unless someone puts a hold on the book).  On some of the popular titles you can only borrow them for two weeks.  Which is plenty of time but you just have to be prepared to read the book when you get it.  So overall the library ain't half bad.

Now I will say I have some favorite authors and I will still buy their books because they are my favs and I don't wait to wait on the library.  Or be restricted to a time limit.  And of course if I like the book then I want to keep it for my collection.  So for the remainder of 2012 I'm going to try and be more discriminatory when it comes to my book purchases.  The hope is that this will help me not spend as much on print books and ebooks and help me get through the many books that I already have.  Oye vey lol!

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