Saturday, February 8, 2014

Duck Season, Rabbit Season, Makeup Purge Season!!!!!

Ok sooooo this past week I've watched four YouTube videos and read a blog post on makeup purging. I think the universe is trying to tell me something :) At the beginning of the year there are always a lot of these videos and blog posts floating around.

Here are the videos I watched:

MissCrystalMakeup - Makeup Purge 2014

MrKongsMom - Makeup PURGE! Makeup I am getting rid of!

Jennifer Wan - High End Make Up Purge

Jennifer Wan - Drugstore Make Up Purge

And here's the link to emilynoel83's blog post.

One weekend this month, I'm going to sit in front of the 10 drawer cart that I have everything in and go to town. I may even go through my loose Bare Minerals items too. I'll have some baby wipes on hand for cleaning up swatches and a trash bag for things that can automatically be pitched and pull items to giveaway or attempt to sell. It's on!


  1. I purge sporadically. Right now I am purging to sell. :)

    1. I purge often. But mainly pitching item or giving item about to family and friends. Never purged to sell before.


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