Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Your Work Environment

I realize it more and more that your environment can have an impact on your well-being (for lack of a better word).  If you have a full time job you spend a good portion of your day at work.  Depending on your job you may have extra responsibilities that go beyond 5 o'clock or the typical 40 hour work week.  Yes everyone in an office have their on quirky personalities and such buuuutttt......o_O  When folk's nonchalant attitudes and the constant "I don't care", "I hate this place", etc is a constant everyday doggone day it starts to rub off on you.  There are several things you can do.  You have to have an honest "conversation" with yourself.  You can join your coworkers and take part in their b.s mindset.  You can say I'm not going to fall for this, do my work and keep it moving.  Or you can say to yourself, self this is NOT the place for you and take the steps you need to find a new gig.  Of course there are other things to consider especially if you love what you do (I'm not there lol!!)  Now don't get me wrong I know that no work environment is perfect BUT I'll be damn if you should have to put up with "whoa is me" people every doggone day. It's very draining believe me.  It also doesn't help when your so called "boss" adds to the mayhem.

Until next time....

(Courtesy of Microsoft)

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