Friday, December 28, 2012

2013: Organize, Purge & Save!

(Courtesy of Microsoft)

I don't always make resolutions for the new year. But reflecting over 2012 (it's been a rough one with a lot of ups and downs) and where I would like the be in 2013 and beyond; organize, purge & save came to mind. I started the organize and purge process in 2012 but there's more to do for 2013. I can stand to get rid of some more books and make an effort to get through a good chunk of what I have. My reading really slacked in 2012. I did get rid of some handbags but I'm sure I can let some more go. I'm purged and pitched some makeup. I happy with what I have but I need to reorganize it. The plan for this is to get an 8 drawer system. I was planning on getting something else that cost a lot more but I like the 8 drawer system better and the price is doable. Plus I can store other items in it. I have papers and other stuff I need to organize that I'm tired of looking at. I need a new paper shredder. The save component will come from knowing what I have, using it up and not shopping as much. I don't know if I can do a complete no buy. Baby steps. Also throw in getting back on track with my weight loss journey. Feel off and I've gained some weight back. Not a whole lot thank goodness. But it's time to work on the next 30 pounds! Phew that's a lot but the end result will definitely be worth it. And hopefully my mind won't be as cluttered and I'll be less stressed.

Let's see how this goes! Maybe I'll do a check-in every 3 months or so on my progress. Stay tuned...

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